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Frequently Asked Questions

How many books are you planning in the McIntyre Series?

I really have no end in mind for the series. It's an open-ended series with endless possibilities for characters and stories.

When is Jamie going to get his own book?

Jamie's book, which will be called Imperfect, is due out November 30, 2017. It's available on pre-order now.

When is Cooper going to get his own book?

Cooper's book, which will be called Ruined, is due out in the spring of 2018... probably late March or early April.

Which other characters are going to have books?

All of them! The next books coming up are Shane and Beth with Lia and Jonah, Jake, and Erin and Mack. but I have plans for lots more characters to get their own books including Shane's sisters Hannah and Sophie, Miguel, Gina, Tyler, and lots more. Stay tuned! :) 

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